Anti-social behaviour

LEMB acknowledges that there is no one definition of ASB, but it favours the definition as stated in the Crime & Disorder Act 1998:

“Acting in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as themselves”

An equally valid definition is as stated in the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003:

“Conduct which is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to any person and which directly or indirectly relates to, or affects the housing management of a relevant landlord

Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour include but are not limited to:


Neighbour Problems – these are disputes which can happen between two neighbours and cover complaints about noise; verbal abuse; boundary disputes; harassment and intimidation; nuisance children; car repairs; damage to property, and barking dogs.


Neighbourhood Problems – these problems affect more people living in a neighbourhood such as graffiti; dog fouling; fly tipping; nuisance youths,off-road motor cycling, and abandoned vehicles.


Crime Problems – such problems include burglary of dwellings; criminal damage, drug dealing; car crime; arson; race and hate related incidents; public order offences; violence against people, and damage to property.


LEMB also has clear prohibitions in its Tenancy Agreement against NUISANCE AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR


Fly Tipping

Fly Tipping is a crime and those caught engaging in it will be prosecuted by us in the courts. The court also has the power to seize and destroy vehicles engaged with fly tipping. We are actively using the CCTV to identify those responsible for Fly Tipping on our estate. Please contact the estate office if you have any bulky items that you want to dispose. We will arrange to collect the items from you at a convenient time.

Please let us know if you see any dumping of rubbish from vans and trucks on the estate. All information received by us, will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will remain anonymous.



Loughbourough EMB we will use a robust approach to deal with discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national grounds. Such behaviour is unlawful under the Race Relations Act 1976. The Race Relations (amendment) Act 2000 imposed a general duty on social housing providers to promote race equality.

Loughbourough EMB will work in partnership with the Council’s Community Safety service and local Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) to tackle such behaviour.

When carrying out our functions we will aim to:-

Eliminate unlawful discrimination

Promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups

Train staff on equality and diversity and the procedures to deal with discrimination and harassment in any form


LEMB has a “ZERO TOLERANCE” to all forms of Nuisance & ASB. We will not hesitate to take legal action against identified perpetrators.